Ink Panel

Configuration tab

In the Ink panel, select the Configuration tab to change inklecate’s configuration settings.

Configuration tab.


The configuration settings defined in this tab are saved in .inkgd_compiler.cfg. If you work in a team, it’s recommended to keep this file out of version control, as the environment may differ between team members.

Basic Configuration

To let the plugin know where inklecate is located, click on the folder icon opposite of the Executable field and navigate to the desired binary. You can also paste the path directly in the field.

Click on Test configuration. If the selected executable is valid, a dialog will appear and confirm that inklecate was successfully executed by the plugin. Otherwise, an error dialog will appear, containing the output of the command that inklecate tried to execute.

Error and success dialogs after testing inklecate's configuration.

Recompilation Modes

The editor plugin supports three recompilation mode.

Configuration tab showing all the recompilation options.


the stories are never recompiled by the plugin. This is the default mode.

During build

the stories are recompiled each time the project is run.

On change

an experimental feature, recompiling the stories when changes are detected in ink files. For more information, see below.


On change is an experimental mode, use with caution.

Custom Mono / .NET Core Runtimes

On platforms other than Windows, advanced users can use specific versions of .NET runtimes with custom inklecates that don’t come bundled with a Mono runtime. By ticking the Use Mono / .NET Core checkbox, a new configuration field will appear. This field expects a path to the .NET runtime you want to use.

Configuration tab with "Use Mono / .NET Core" enabled.

Story tab

In the Ink panel, select the Story tab to manage ink stories in the project.


The configuration settings defined in this tab are saved in .inkgd_ink.cfg. If you work in a team, it’s important to commit this file.

Story tab with no stories registered.

There should be no stories yet, so click on New Story to start registering a new story.

Story tab, with one story entry added.

To manage a story, the plugin expect two paths. The path to the main ink file that should be compiled (Source File) and where to write the compiled story (Target File). Both files need to be inside the project’s file system, thus they can be accessed through the regular res:// scheme. To set the path of the source file, either click on the folder icon or paste the path in the field directly.

When the source file path is defined, the plugin populates the Target File field with a default location.

Story tab, with one story registered.

You can add as many stories as you want and compile them individually clicking on each Compile button.

Story tab with three stories registered.

When the selected recompilation mode is On change, each entry shows an additional field specifying which folder to watch. Any *.ink file under that folder that is reimported by Godot (i. e. changed externally) will trigger a recompilation.

Story tab, with the story entries showing a "Watched Folder" configuration field.

The Preview tab

In the Ink panel, select the Preview tab to preview a story. You can load any valid JSON through Load new….

Preview tab, with no stories registered.

Unmanaged stories appear in a dropdown menu once they are loaded.

Preview tab, with stories registered.

Managed stories appear automatically in the drop down menu as soon as they are registered.

Preview tab, selecting a registered story.

To start a preview, select a story from the drop down menu and press Start. At any point during the execution, you can press Clear to remove all the previous lines.

The previewer automatically unfolds the story until it encounters a branch. When input in required, choices are displayed on the right side of the panel.

Preview tab, playing the Intercept.

Preview tab, playing more of the Intercept.

Any error encountered during the execution of the preview is printed to the output console.