
inkgd is an implementation of the Ink runtime, in pure GDScript.

If you are not familiar with Ink, it’s a good idea to take a quick look at two documents from the original documentation:

The GDScript API is 100% compatible with the original C# API, except for a couple of minor divergences accomodating the differences between the two languages. For more information, see Differences between the GDScript and C# APIs.


inkgd provides no GUI, only text. It’s up to you to decide how to present the content to your players.

Playing a story typically involves repeating the following three steps until the story reaches its end:

  1. calling InkPlayer.continue_story() until a branch is found;

  2. presenting an array of choices to the player;

  3. reporting back the selected choice through InkPlayer.choose_choice_index().

Normal flowchart

Click on the Next button to discover how to install inkgd!


Nicholas O’Brien created step-by-step video tutorial showing how to create a visual-novel-like game using Godot and Ink. Feel free to check it out!